[Stackless-checkins] r51501 - stackless/trunk/PCbuild/uthread_ccp.py

richard.tew python-checkins at python.org
Wed Aug 23 11:10:25 CEST 2006

Author: richard.tew
Date: Wed Aug 23 11:10:23 2006
New Revision: 51501

An updated version of the uthread module which CCP uses internally.  It still requires some changes, like the addition of Sleep and a BeNice methods, and the removal or replacement of some internal CCP functions like those related to local storage.

Modified: stackless/trunk/PCbuild/uthread_ccp.py
--- stackless/trunk/PCbuild/uthread_ccp.py	(original)
+++ stackless/trunk/PCbuild/uthread_ccp.py	Wed Aug 23 11:10:23 2006
@@ -29,225 +29,791 @@
-#import continuation
 import stackless
+import sys
+import time
+import types
+import weakref
+import traceback
+import copy
+import logging
+# This is a simple replacement for what CCP uses which is linked into our
+# framework.
+def WriteTraceback(text, tb):
+    logging.error(text)
+    for s in traceback.format_tb(tb):
+        logging.error(s.strip())
+    logging.error(str(excInstance))
+def LogTraceback(text):
+    if text is None:
+        text = "Traceback:"
+    tb = traceback.extract_stack()
+    WriteTraceback(text, tb)
+def StackTrace(text=None):
+    excClass, excInstance, tb = sys.exc_info()
+    if excClass:
+        if text is None:
+            text = "Stacktrace:"
+        WriteTraceback(text, tb)
+    else:
+        LogTraceback(text)
-MAX_TIMESLICE = 20000000
+tasks = [] # bogus breyta
-tasks = [ ]
-ghandler = None
-def endtask():
-    """force this thread to die"""
-    continuation.uthread_lock(1)
-    sched = continuation.uthread_reset()
-    if sched != None:
-        sched()
-# not needed yet
-def schedule():
-    """force a context switch"""
-    continuation.uthread_lock(1)
-    sched = continuation.uthread_reset()
-    sched(continuation.caller())
 # handled internally
 schedule = stackless.schedule
+# We need to subclass it so that we can store attributes on it.
+class Tasklet(stackless.tasklet):
+    pass
 def new(func, *args, **kw):
-    """Start a new task"""
-    if func == None:
-        raise "Don't you make me try to call None"
-    global tasks
-    assert not kw
+    return Tasklet(func)(*args, **kw)
-    def wrapper(func, args):
-        continuation.return_current()
-        try:
-            apply(func, args)
-        except:
-            continuation.uthread_reset()
-            raise
-        endtask()
-    tmp = continuation.uthread_lock(1)
-    task = wrapper(func, args)
-    task.caller = None
-    tasks.append(task)
-    continuation.uthread_lock(tmp)
-def new(func, *args, **kw):
-    """Start a new task"""
-    gen = stackless.taskoutlet(func)
-    t = gen(*args, **kw)
-    t.insert()
-def run():
-    """Run a bunch of tasks, until they all complete"""
-    global tasks
-    pop = tasks.pop
-    append = tasks.append
-    timeslice = continuation.timeslice
-    if not tasks:
-        # just enter the loop
-        append(None)
-    while tasks:
-        task = pop(0)
-        if task:
-            try:
-                task = timeslice(task, MAX_TIMESLICE)
-            except UserError, e:
-                global ghandler
-                if ghandler:
-                    new(ghandler, e)
-                else:
-                    print e
-        if task:
-            import runner
-            runner.PostException(
-                task,
-                None)
-            #append(task)
-def run():
-    """Run a bunch of tasks, until they all complete"""
-    # have to add error handling like above
-    while stackless.getruncount() > 1:
-        try:
-            # running until the end or until something happens
-            victim = stackless.run_watchdog(MAX_TIMESLICE)
-            if victim:
-            # todo: kill the task cleanly
-        except Exception, e:
-            print "Exception occoured:", e
+def newWithoutTheStars(func, args, kw):
+    return Tasklet(func)(*args, **kw)
 idIndex = 0
-def sethandler(handler):
-    global ghandler
-    ghandler = handler
 def uniqueId():
     """Microthread-safe way to get unique numbers, handy for
     giving things unique ID numbers"""
     global idIndex
-    tmp = stackless.scheduler_lock(1)
+    ## CCP is cutting out atomic as we never preemtivly schedule and stackless was crashing there
+    #tmp = stackless.atomic()
     z = idIndex
-    idIndex = z + 1
-    stackless.scheduler_lock(tmp)
+    idIndex += 1
     return z
 def irandom(n):
     """Microthread-safe version of random.randrange(0,n)"""
     import random
-    tmp = stackless.scheduler_lock(1)
+    ## CCP is cutting out atomic as we never preemtivly schedule and stackless was crashing there
+    #tmp = stackless.atomic()
     n = random.randrange(0, n)
-    stackless.scheduler_lock(tmp)
     return n
-class Semaphore:
-    """Semaphores protect globally accessible resources from
-    the effects of context switching."""
-    __guid__ = 'uthread.Semaphore'
-    def __init__(self, maxcount=1):
-        self.count = maxcount
-        self.waiting = []
-    def claim(self):
-        tmp = continuation.uthread_lock(1)
-        if self.count == 0:
-            self.waiting.append(continuation.caller())
-            endtask()
-        else:
-            self.count = self.count - 1
-            continuation.uthread_lock(tmp)
-    def release(self):
-        tmp = continuation.uthread_lock(1)
-        if self.waiting:
-            tasks.append(self.waiting.pop(0))
-        else:
-            self.count = self.count + 1
-        continuation.uthread_lock(tmp)
+synonyms = {}
+def MakeSynonymOf(threadid, synonym_threadid):
+    global synonyms
+    key = (threadid, synonym_threadid)
+    if key not in synonyms:
+        synonyms[key] = 1
+    else:
+        synonyms[key] += 1
+def MakeCurrentSynonymOf(synonym_threadid):
+    return MakeSynonymOf(id(stackless.getcurrent()), synonym_threadid)
+def RemoveSynonymOf(threadid, synonym_threadid):
+    global synonyms
+    key = (threadid, synonym_threadid)
+    if key not in synonyms:
+        StackTrace("RemoveSynonymOf unexpected call threadid:%s synonym_threadid:%s" % key)
+        return
+    synonyms[key] -= 1
+    if 0 == synonyms[key]:
+        del synonyms[key]
+def RemoveCurrentSynonymOf(synonym_threadid):
+    return RemoveSynonymOf(id(stackless.getcurrent()), synonym_threadid)
+def IsSynonymOf(threadid, synonym_threadid):
+    global synonyms
+    key = (threadid, synonym_threadid)
+    return key in synonyms
+def IsCurrentSynonymOf(synonym_threadid):
+    return IsSynonymOf(id(stackless.getcurrent()), synonym_threadid)
+semaphores               = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary({})
+def GetSemaphores():
+    return semaphores
 class Semaphore:
     """Semaphores protect globally accessible resources from
     the effects of context switching."""
-    __guid__ = 'uthread_ccp.Semaphore'
-    def __init__(self, maxcount=1):
-        self.count = maxcount
-        self.waiting = stackless.channel()
+    def __init__(self, semaphoreName=None, maxcount=1, strict=True):
+        global semaphores
+        semaphores[self] = 1
+        self.semaphoreName  = semaphoreName
+        self.maxcount       = maxcount
+        self.count          = maxcount
+        self.waiting        = stackless.channel()
+        self.thread         = None
+        self.lockedWhen     = None
+        self.strict         = strict
+    def IsCool(self):
+        '''
+            returns true if and only if nobody has, or is waiting for, this lock
+        '''
+        return self.count==self.maxcount
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Semaphore("+ str(self.semaphoreName) +")"
+    def __del__(self):
+        if not self.IsCool():
+            logger.error("Semaphore "+ str(self) +" is being destroyed in a locked or waiting state")
     def acquire(self):
-        tmp = stackless.atomic()
-        if self.count == 0:
+        if self.strict:
+            assert self.thread is not stackless.getcurrent()
+            if self.thread is stackless.getcurrent():
+                raise RuntimeError, "tasklet deadlock, acquiring tasklet holds strict semaphore"
+        self.count -= 1
+        if self.count < 0:
-        else:
-            self.count = self.count - 1
+        self.lockedWhen = time.time()
+        self.thread = stackless.getcurrent()
     claim = acquire
     def release(self):
-        tmp = stackless.atomic()
-        if self.waiting.queue:
-            self.waiting.send(None)
+        if self.strict:
+            assert self.thread is stackless.getcurrent()
+            if self.thread is not stackless.getcurrent():
+                raise RuntimeError, "wrong tasklet releasing strict semaphore"
+        self.count += 1
+        self.thread     =   None
+        self.lockedWhen =   None
+        if self.count <= 0:
+            PoolWorker("uthread::Semaphore::delayed_release",self.__delayed_release)
+    #This allows the release thread to continue without being interrupted
+    def __delayed_release(self):
+        self.waiting.send(None)
+class CriticalSection(Semaphore):
+    def __init__(self, semaphoreName = None, strict=True):
+        Semaphore.__init__(self, semaphoreName)
+        self.__reentrantRefs = 0
+    def acquire(self):
+        # MEB: if (self.count<=0) and (self.thread is stackless.getcurrent() or stackless.getcurrent() is synonymof self.thread):
+        if (self.count<=0) and (self.thread is stackless.getcurrent() or IsCurrentSynonymOf(self.thread)):
+            self.__reentrantRefs += 1
+        else:
+            Semaphore.acquire(self)
+    def release(self):
+        if self.__reentrantRefs:
+            # MEB: assert self.thread is stackless.getcurrent()
+            assert self.thread is stackless.getcurrent() or IsCurrentSynonymOf(self.thread)
+            # MEB: if self.thread is not stackless.getcurrent():
+            if not (self.thread is stackless.getcurrent() or IsCurrentSynonymOf(self.thread)):
+                raise RuntimeError, "wrong tasklet releasing reentrant CriticalSection"
+            self.__reentrantRefs -= 1
-            self.count = self.count + 1
+            Semaphore.release(self)
+def FNext(f):
+    first  = stackless.getcurrent()
+    try:
+        cursor = first.next
+        while cursor != first:
+            if cursor.frame.f_back == f:
+                return FNext(cursor.frame)
+            cursor = cursor.next
+        return f
+    finally:
+        first  = None
+        cursor = None
+class SquidgySemaphore:
+    '''
+        This is a semaphore which allows exclusive locking
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, lockName):
+        self.__outer__  = Semaphore(lockName)
+        self.lockers    = {}
+        self.__wierdo__ = 0
+    def IsCool(self):
+        '''
+            returns true if and only if nobody has, or is waiting for, this lock
+        '''
+        while 1:
+            lockers = []
+            try:
+                for each in self.lockers:
+                    return 0
+                break
+            except:
+                StackTrace()
+                sys.exc_clear()
+        return self.__outer__.IsCool() and not self.__wierdo__
+    def acquire_pre_friendly(self):
+        '''
+            Same as acquire, but with respect for pre_acquire_exclusive
+        '''
+        while 1:
+            if self.__wierdo__:
+                Sleep(0.5)
+            else:
+                self.acquire()
+                if self.__wierdo__:
+                    self.release()
+                else:
+                    break
+    def pre_acquire_exclusive(self):
+        '''
+            Prepares the lock for an acquire_exclusive call, so that
+            acquire_pre_friendly will block on the dude.
+        '''
+        self.__wierdo__ += 1
+    def acquire_exclusive(self):
+        i = 0
+        while 1:
+            self.__outer__.acquire()
+            theLocker = None
+            try:
+                # self.lockers is a dict, and we just want one entry from it.
+                # for each in/break is a convenient way to get one entry.
+                for each in self.lockers:
+                    theLocker = each
+                    break
+            except:
+                StackTrace()
+                sys.exc_clear()
+            if theLocker is not None:
+                self.__outer__.release() # yielding to the sucker is fine, since we're waiting for somebody anyhow.
+                if i and ((i%(3*4*60))==0):
+                    logger.error("Acquire-exclusive is waiting for the inner lock (%d seconds total, lockcount=%d)" % (i/4, len(self.lockers)))
+                    LogTraceback("This acquire_exclusive is taking a considerable amount of time")
+                    logger.error("This dude has my lock:")
+                    logger.error("tasklet: "+str(theLocker))
+                    for s in traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack(FNext(theLocker.frame),40)):
+                        for n in range(0,10120,253): # forty lines max.
+                            if n==0:
+                                if len(s)<=255:
+                                    x = s
+                                else:
+                                    x = s[:(n+253)]
+                            else:
+                                x = " - " + s[n:(n+253)]
+                            logger.error(x, 4)
+                            if (n+253)>=len(s):
+                                break
+                Sleep(0.500)
+            else:
+                break
+            i += 1
+    def release_exclusive(self):
+        self.__outer__.release()
+        self.__wierdo__ -= 1
+    def acquire(self):
+        # you don't need the outer lock to re-acquire
+        self.__outer__.acquire()
+        self.__acquire_inner()
+        self.__outer__.release()
+    def release(self, t=None):
+        if t is None:
+            t = stackless.getcurrent()
+        self.__release_inner(t)
+    def __acquire_inner(self):
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                if self.lockers.has_key(stackless.getcurrent()):
+                    self.lockers[stackless.getcurrent()] += 1
+                else:
+                    self.lockers[stackless.getcurrent()] = 1
+                break
+            except:
+                StackTrace()
+                sys.exc_clear()
+    def __release_inner(self, t):
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                if self.lockers.has_key(t):
+                    self.lockers[t] -= 1
+                    if self.lockers[t]==0:
+                        del self.lockers[t]
+                else:
+                    StackTrace("You can't release a lock you didn't acquire")
+                break
+            except:
+                StackTrace()
+                sys.exc_clear()
+channels            = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+def GetChannels():
+    return channels
+class Channel:
+    """
+        A Channel is a stackless.channel() with administrative spunk
+    """
+    def __init__(self,channelName=None):
+        global channels
+        self.channelName = channelName
+        self.channel = stackless.channel()
+        self.send = self.channel.send
+        self.send_exception = self.channel.send_exception
+        channels[self] = 1
+    def receive(self):
+        return self.channel.receive()
+    def __getattr__(self,k):
+        return getattr(self.channel,k)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#  FIFO Class
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class FIFO(object):
+    __slots__ = ('data',)
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - Constructor
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.data = [[], []]
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - push
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def push(self, v):
+        self.data[1].append(v)
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - pop
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def pop(self):
+        d = self.data
+        if not d[0]:
+            d.reverse()
+            d[0].reverse()
+        return d[0].pop()
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - __nonzero__
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # NB: Please don't define this function, as it will break some legacy code in client
+    #     Use the len() function instead
+    #def __nonzero__(self):
+    #    d = self.data
+    #    return not (not (d[0] or d[1]))
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - __contains__
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __contains__(self, o):
+        d = self.data
+        return (o in d[0]) or (o in d[1])
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - Length
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def Length(self):
+        d = self.data
+        return len(d[0]) + len(d[1])
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - clear
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def clear(self):
+        self.data = [[], []]
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  FIFO - clear
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def remove(self, o):
+        d = self.data
+        try:
+            d[0].remove(o)
+        except ValueError:
+            sys.exc_clear()
-class Queue:
+        try:
+            d[1].remove(o)
+        except ValueError:
+            sys.exc_clear()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#  Queue - QueueCheck
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def QueueCheck(o):
+    while True:
+        try:
+            o.pump()
+        except ReferenceError:
+            sys.exc_clear()
+            break
+        except StandardError:
+            StackTrace()
+            sys.exc_clear()
+        Sleep(0.1)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#  Queue Class
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Queue(FIFO):
     """A queue is a microthread-safe FIFO."""
-    __guid__ = 'uthread_ccp.Queue'
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  Queue - Constructor
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def __init__(self):
-        self.contents = [ ]
-        self.channel = stackless.channel()
+        FIFO.__init__(self)
+        self.channel  = stackless.channel()
+        self.blockingThreadRunning = False
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  Queue - put
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def put(self, x):
-        tmp = stackless.atomic()
-        self.contents.append(x)
-        while self.channel.queue and self.contents:
-            self.channel.send(self.contents.pop(0))
+        self.push(x)
+        self.pump()
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  Queue - pump
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def pump(self):
+        while self.channel.queue and self.Length() and self.channel.balance < 0:
+            o = self.pop()
+            self.channel.send(o)
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  Queue - non_blocking_put
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def non_blocking_put(self, x):
+        # Create a non blocking worker thread if this is the first time this gets called
+        if not self.blockingThreadRunning:
+            self.blockingThreadRunning = True
+            new(QueueCheck, weakref.proxy(self)).context = "uthread::QueueCheck"
+        self.push(x)
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #  Queue - get
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def get(self):
-        tmp = stackless.atomic()
-        if self.contents:
-            return self.contents.pop(0)
+        if self.Length():
+            return self.pop()
         return self.channel.receive()
-    def unget(self, x):
-        tmp = stackless.atomic()
-        self.contents.insert(0, x)
-    def cget(self):
-        return self.contents.pop(0)
-exports = {
-    "uthread_ccp.new":          new,
-    "uthread_ccp.irandom":      irandom,
-    "uthread_ccp.uniqueId":     uniqueId,
-    "uthread_ccp.run":          run,
-    "uthread_ccp.schedule":     schedule,
-    "uthread_ccp.sethandler":   sethandler,
-    }
-def test(n):
-    global cnt
-    for cnt in xrange(n):
-        if cnt == 12345:
-            1/0
\ No newline at end of file
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Event:
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, manual=1, signaled=0):
+        self.channel = stackless.channel()
+        self.manual = manual
+        self.signaled = signaled
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def Wait(self, timeout=-1):
+        if timeout != -1:
+            raise RuntimeError("No timeouts supported in Event")
+        if not self.signaled:
+            self.channel.receive()
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def SetEvent(self):
+        if self.manual:
+            self.signaled = 1
+        while self.channel.queue:
+            self.channel.send(None)
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def ResetEvent(self):
+        self.signaled = 0
+def LockCheck():
+    global semaphores
+    while 1:
+        each = None
+        Sleep(5 * 60)
+        now = time.time()
+        try:
+            for each in semaphores.keys():
+                BeNice()
+                if (each.count<=0) and (each.waiting.balance < 0) and (each.lockedWhen and (now - each.lockedWhen)>=(5*MIN)):
+                    logger.error("Semaphore %s appears to have threads in a locking conflict."%id(each))
+                    logger.error("holding thread:")
+                    try:
+                        for s in traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack(each.thread.frame,40)):
+                            logger.error(s)
+                    except:
+                        sys.exc_clear()
+                    first = each.waiting.queue
+                    t = first
+                    while t:
+                        logger.error("waiting thread %s:"%id(t),4)
+                        try:
+                            for s in traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack(t.frame,40)):
+                                logger.error(s,4)
+                        except:
+                            sys.exc_clear()
+                        t = t.next
+                        if t is first:
+                            break
+                    logger.error("End of locking conflict log")
+        except StandardError:
+            StackTrace()
+            sys.exc_clear()
+new(LockCheck).context = "uthread::LockCheck"
+__uthread__queue__          = None
+def PoolHelper(queue):
+    t = stackless.getcurrent()
+    t.localStorage   = {}
+    respawn = True
+    try:
+        try:
+            while 1:
+                BeNice()
+                ctx, callingContext, func, loc, args, keywords = queue.get()
+                if (queue.channel.balance >= 0):
+                    new(PoolHelper, queue).context = "uthread::PoolHelper"
+                SetLocalStorage(loc)
+                # _tmpctx = t.PushTimer(ctx)
+                try:
+                    apply( func, args, keywords )
+                finally:
+                    ctx                 = None
+                    callingContext      = None
+                    func                = None
+                    t.localStorage      = {}
+                    loc                 = None
+                    args                = None
+                    keywords            = None
+                    # t.PopTimer(_tmpctx)
+        except SystemExit:
+            respawn = False
+            raise
+        except:
+            if callingContext is not None:
+                extra = "spawned at %s %s(%s)"%callingContext
+            else:
+                extra = ""
+            StackTrace("Unhandled exception in %s%s" % (ctx, extra))
+            sys.exc_clear()
+    finally:
+        if respawn:
+            del t
+            new(PoolHelper, queue).context = "uthread::PoolHelper"
+def PoolWorker(ctx,func,*args,**keywords):
+    '''
+        Same as uthread.pool, but without copying local storage, thus resetting session, etc.
+        Should be used for spawning worker threads.
+    '''
+    return PoolWithoutTheStars(ctx,func,args,keywords,0,1)
+def PoolWorkerWithoutTheStars(ctx,func,args,keywords):
+    '''
+        Same as uthread.worker, but without copying local storage, thus resetting session, etc.
+        Should be used for spawning worker threads.
+    '''
+    return PoolWithoutTheStars(ctx,func,args,keywords,0,1)
+def PoolWithoutTheStars(ctx,func,args,keywords,unsafe=0,worker=0):
+    if type(ctx) not in types.StringTypes:
+        StackTrace("uthread.pool must be called with a context string as the first parameter")
+    global __uthread__queue__
+    callingContext = None
+    if ctx is None:
+        if unsafe:
+            ctx = "uthread::PoolHelper::UnsafeCrap"
+        else:
+            tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0]
+            ctx = getattr(stackless.getcurrent(), "context", "")
+            callingContext = tb[2], tb[0], tb[1] #function , file, lineno
+            del tb
+    if __uthread__queue__ is None:
+        __uthread__queue__ = Queue()
+        for i in range(60):
+            new(PoolHelper, __uthread__queue__).context = "uthread::PoolHelper"
+    if unsafe or worker:
+        st = None
+    else:
+        st = copy.copy(GetLocalStorage())
+    __uthread__queue__.non_blocking_put( (str(ctx), callingContext, func, st, args, keywords,) )
+    return None
+def Pool(ctx,func,*args,**keywords):
+    '''
+        executes apply(args,keywords) on a new uthread.  The uthread in question is taken
+        from a thread pool, rather than created one-per-shot call.  ctx is used as the
+        thread context.  This should generally be used for short-lived threads to reduce
+        overhead.
+    '''
+    return PoolWithoutTheStars(ctx,func,args,keywords)
+def UnSafePool(ctx,func,*args,**keywords):
+    '''
+        uthread.pool, but without any dangerous calls to stackless.getcurrent(), which could
+        have dramatic and drastic effects in the wrong context.
+    '''
+    return PoolWithoutTheStars(ctx,func,args,keywords,1)
+def ParallelHelper(ch,idx,what):
+    ch, threadid = ch
+    MakeCurrentSynonymOf(threadid)
+    try:
+        ei = None
+        try:
+            if len(what)==3:
+                ret = (idx, apply(what[0], what[1], what[2] ))
+                if ch.balance < 0 :
+                    ch.send( (1, ret) )
+            else:
+                ret = (idx, apply(what[0], what[1] ))
+                if ch.balance < 0:
+                    ch.send( (1, ret) )
+        except StandardError:
+            ei = sys.exc_info()
+            sys.exc_clear()
+        if ei:
+            if ch.balance < 0:
+                ch.send((0,ei))
+        del ei
+    finally:
+       RemoveCurrentSynonymOf(threadid)
+def Parallel(funcs,exceptionHandler=None,maxcount=30):
+    '''
+        Executes in parallel all the function calls specified in the list/tuple 'funcs', but returns the
+        return values in the order of the funcs list/tuple.  If an exception occurs, only the first exception
+        will reach you.  The rest will dissapear in a puff of logic.
+        Each 'func' entry should be a tuple/list of:
+        1.  a function to call
+        2.  a tuple of arguments to call it with
+        3.  optionally, a dict of keyword args to call it with.
+    '''
+    if not funcs:
+        return
+    context = "ParallelHelper::"+getattr(stackless.getcurrent(),"context","???")
+    ch = stackless.channel(), id(stackless.getcurrent())
+    ret = [ None ] * len(funcs)
+    n = len(funcs)
+    if n > maxcount:
+        n = maxcount
+    for i in range(n):
+        if type(funcs[i]) != types.TupleType:
+            raise RuntimeError("Parallel requires a list/tuple of (function, args tuple, optional keyword dict,)")
+        Pool(context, ParallelHelper, ch, i, funcs[i])
+    for i in range(len(funcs)):
+        ok, bunch = ch[0].receive()
+        if ok:
+            idx,val = bunch
+            if len(funcs[i])==4:
+                ret[idx] = (funcs[i][3], val,)
+            else:
+                ret[idx] = val
+        else:
+            try:
+                raise bunch[0],bunch[1],bunch[2]
+            except StandardError:
+                if exceptionHandler:
+                    exctype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
+                    try:
+                        try:
+                            apply( exceptionHandler, (exc,) )
+                        except StandardError:
+                            raise exc, None, tb
+                    finally:
+                        exctype, exc, tb = None, None, None
+                else:
+                    StackTrace()
+                    raise
+        if n<len(funcs):
+            if type(funcs[n]) != types.TupleType:
+                raise RuntimeError("Parallel requires a list/tuple of (function, args tuple, optional keyword dict,)")
+            Pool(context, ParallelHelper, ch, n, funcs[n])
+            n+=1
+    return ret
+locks = {}
+def Lock(object, *args):
+    global locks
+    t = (id(object), args)
+    if t not in locks:
+        locks[t] = Semaphore(t, strict=False)
+    locks[t].acquire()
+def TryLock(object, *args):
+    global locks
+    t = (id(object), args)
+    if t not in locks:
+        locks[t] = Semaphore(t, strict=False)
+    if not locks[t].IsCool():
+        return False
+    locks[t].acquire()
+    return True
+def ReentrantLock(object, *args):
+    global locks
+    t = (id(object), args)
+    if t not in locks:
+        locks[t] = CriticalSection(t)
+    locks[t].acquire()
+def UnLock(object, *args):
+    global locks
+    t = (id(object), args)
+    locks[t].release()
+    if (t in locks) and (locks[t].IsCool()): # may be gone or changed by now
+        del locks[t]
+# Exported names.
+parallel = Parallel
+worker = PoolWorker
+workerWithoutTheStars = PoolWorkerWithoutTheStars
+unsafepool = UnSafePool
+pool = Pool
+poolWithoutTheStars = PoolWithoutTheStars

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