[Stackless] Python in Games

Dave LeCompte (really) dave at lecompte.org
Tue Jun 14 15:11:49 CEST 2005

We're getting a bit afield from Stackless, but:

> Python has been used in a lot of games. I unfortunately don't have a list
> available but of the top of my head I remember Battlefield 2 and
> Dark&Light there are a lot more and I am constantly hearing about more.
> Python lends well to game developers as it's easy to move code back and
> forth between C and Python. There really should be a list somewhere, would
> sell Python even more (as there are a lot of games).

Bruce Dawson presented a talk at the 2002 Game Developers' Conference
titled "Game Scripting in Python". There's a version of that presentation


Quoting from that page:

> Who is using Python in games
>Python has been used in a number of games, including
>    * ToonTown - http://www.toontown.com/
>    * EveOnline - http://www.eve-online.com/
>    * Blade of Darkness - http://www.codemastersusa.com/blade/
>with numerous other sightings that are difficult to verify, including at
>least one PS2 game.
>Python is also used in at least two game engines:
>    * Game Blender - http://www.blender.nl/gameBlenderDoc/python.html
>    * PyGame - http://www.pygame.org/

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