[Stackless] Mistakes, Corrections and Questions Concerning My Pickle Example Re: cPickleshould work?

Richard richard at ccpgames.com
Tue May 9 12:50:07 CEST 2006

> From: Christian Tismer on 09 May 2006 10:28
> > The ability to remove tasklets from channels, in the manner
> > that .remove removes them from the scheduler, seems like a
> > useful feature to add.  And the ability to add them back in,
> > as well.  If Christian is OK with it, I can add that.
> I have no objection to having some simple way to assemble
> tasklets into channels. Actually I thought we would always
> pickle a whole channel with all its tasklets. But in certain
> situations this might be a bit much.
> I didn't use the pickling feature enough no know the needs.
> Now that it gets used, this comes naturally. But let's
> be careful and minimalistic with adding features.

I will take this as permission to proceed.

> At some point, I want to get rid of all hand-written
> non-essenctial C code that can be generated from an RPython
> implementation, automatically.

Can you elaborate on your plans for Stackless with regard to this?

I wasn't aware that you were planning to bind Stackless to PyPy,
and thought that the Stackless solutions that come from it would
be a complete replacement.  And Stackless would remain a legacy
project independent of it.


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