[Stackless] Help using stackless with threads

inhahe inhahe at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 12:53:56 CEST 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Jeff Senn <senn at maya.com> wrote:
> On Jul 15, 2008, at 4:41 AM, inhahe wrote:
>> Can someone help me with using stackless with python threads.  I'm
>> trying to make a thread pool for database access using stackless
>> channels to activate the threads because I can't use signals because
>> I'm on Windows.  So I run 4 threads (using the thread module) and each
>> thread runs 1 stackless tasklet in an infinite loop that waits to
>> receive from a unique channel.  But it seems all four of them fall
>> through the receive() call each iteration - whether I send something
>> or not - and I'm guessing it's because each one thinks that it's the
>> last tasklet running because it's the only tasklet in its thread.  So
>> how do I fix this?  Here's the code I have..
> Hi inhahe-
> Are you sure you really want/need stackless?   It sounds like,
> for your purpose, using the (regular python) Queue class
> (with the thread-compatible .get()/.put() methods)
> is what you need.
> Stackless was not originally designed to schedule between
> threads -- nor to put a thread to "sleep"... (there are
> some subtle issues there that have been discussed on this
> list several times before...)

Thanks, it looks like that'll work, assuming there's no spinlock
involved.  but i guess there can't be with the gil?

but i still need to use tasklets with the threads a little bit.   i'm
using stackless anyway (for the main project), and when a tasklet adds
something to the queue, it passes a channel and when after the worker
thread executes the request it sends the result back to that channel.
do the subtle issues you mentioned apply there?


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