[Stackless] Distributing stackless applications

Bjørn Hansen holomorph at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Mar 22 04:27:15 CET 2008


I'm looking for advice on the best way to distribute an application
built written using stackless python.  For windows I imagine one could
just use py2exe and create a standalone, since many users are not
likely to have python installed anyway.  Most Linux distros however,
come with python installed already, so normally one would just
distribute the .py file(s), but those obviously are not going to work
for something using stackless.  Also, on Ubuntu for example, python is
pretty core to the whole system, so asking users to replace the distro
python with stackless python is likely to scare users away from trying
the application.

Perhaps an example of what I would like to be able to do will help:
Stackless seems to be ideal for game development and I would be
tempted to use it in the pyweek (http://www.pyweek.org/) competition,
but I am concerned that doing so would make it too much of a hassle
for people to play my game.  For those of you who haven't heard of it
and don't want to follow that link, pyweek is a python game
programming challenge where contestants try to create a game in a
week, based on some theme - fun stuff :).

So I'm interested to hear suggestions on how to go about distibuting
something  like a small game which uses stackless in a way that's easy
for someone to try out and get rid of when they're finished.

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